Barstool Vs America Finale Tune Up: Is Anything Stopping Blue?


Finale Tune Up!

We are officially in the countdown to the Barstool vs America finale episode tonight at 7:00. Four cities down and one more to go in Boston. So far this season the Blue team has been absolutely dominant in every competition, but obviously, none of that matters if they don't win tonight. Now, it would be a pretty fair assumption that the Blue team would dominate Yellow in the final competition regardless of who comes back from the Get Back challenge, but even if that is the case whatever happens after that is going to come down to who has captainship for each team. In this blog, I'm going to break down what conspired in episode four, what to look for in episode five, and what I believe each contestant could do if they are the captain of the winning side. 

Talking about episode four, we opened the episode dealing with the fallout of Dana Beers' blindside of Pat in Wisconsin. Dana didn't really do a great job explaining to Nick and Alex why he went against Blue team, and it felt like a slight rift was emerging between the teammates as the first seeds of distrust had been planted in their minds. Now while I don't agree with Dana's move to kick off arguably the best physical threat in the competition, and do believe it did make the team weaker, a simple explanation to Nick and Alex that he couldn't risk Pat having final captainship probably would have gone a long way. Meanwhile, on the Yellow team bus, it seemed like Keegs and Marty were in total despair about the teams' situation, while Joey was more upset about Pat's departure and Hannah was just happy Pat was gone. I feel bad for Kelly and Marty, both of them are big time competitors and really care about this competition, yet every time a team challenge comes around they find themselves on The Generals playing against the Globetrotters time and time again. 

At the individual challenge, Dana did himself no favors with his team's trust by going against the Blue team's plan to give all the hotdogs to Alex, and instead giving his hotdog to White Sox Dave. Just an absolute bonehead move by Dana here, and you have to think that if it was anyone besides White Sox Dave, his teammates would have taken real offense to it.On the Yellow side, Marty and Kelly convinced the team that Joey should be captain, so that he could take out Hannah, improve their team, and the two of them could keep the blood of their hands. This was a pretty smart plan but had the one problem that in order for it to work, Yellow would actually have to win a competition...

Blue won the competition and like I predicted last blog, took out the biggest threat, Marty. Jeff D Lowe then broke the news to the competitors that there would not be a new cast member in Boston, but instead the eliminated members would play in a "Get Back" challenge to rejoin the game, an homage to Survivor's classic "Redemption Island" competitions. 

Now, here is what I think could happen if each team wins.


Now I think we all think this is the most probable possibility considering that Blue team has been dominating the game, but with trust dwindling, Dana and WSD being wildcards, and having as Dave put it "someone who comes from wealth" on their team, it is really gonna come down to who wins captainship. 

If Alex wins captainship: I think Alex would keep the team as is and Hannah, everyone knows she bleeds blue and has been a phenomenal teammate thusfar. Maybe she kicks off Dave for insinuating they should kick her off, but I don't think she will hold a grudge.

If Nick wins captainship: I think the same thing goes for Nick where he will add a fifth teammate splitting it. Maybe he brings over Pat/KB if they get back in the competition just to rub it in Kelly's face after she said his nice guy vibe wasn't genuine. Don't see him kicking anyone off his team though.

If Dana wins captainship: Dana's an absolute wildcard. Nothing he does has made a lot of sense to me, but hey he's still here and he's gonna be on his home turf of Massachusetts (where he averaged a double-double once upon a time). If Mush is back in the game Dana might bring Mush over, but if Mush isn't in the game my guess would be Dana makes one final big move and kicks off Alex or White Sox Dave. Which will it be? Logic says Dave because he has been here for two days, but if Dave and Dana have been talking about who "deserves" the money, I'd guess he will go full villain and blindside Alex out of the money.

If Dave wins captainship: He's going to kick off Alex Bennett considering he asked her if she would give up the money already. 


Hey, anything can happen right? If Yellow team wins this it would be equivalent to the 2004 Red Sox, 2016 Cavaliers and Super Bowl 51 Patriots. All-time comeback story. I think for the most part that they would all split it five ways but I do think that there are some wrinkles to that.

If Kelly Wins: I think Kelly will boot off Hannah. No shot she adds anyone.

If Hannah Wins: Again, I see her staying loyal to the team and adding a fifth member.

If Joey Wins: I think Joey will want to boot one of the girls (beef with Hannah and seemed irritated at Kelly), but in his heart is too nice and will add someone.

If the Redemption Player Wins: KB might bring Nick over, Glenny will bring over someone I just don't know who, Pat might boot Hannah Cook, and Mush would have brought Dana but after last nights episode I think he boots someone.

Wow that was a lot of writing, four episodes in and one to go,  with this being my last blog on Barstool vs America here are my takeaways from the competition thusfar:

1. Nick is the best player in the game

I said in my first blog that Nick's strategy from Surviving Barstool would work similarly in this game to get him to the end and it's been almost too easy for him. Marty and Kelly caught on to him, but by the time they did it was too late as Blue was in total control and Nick won captainship. The only real chance they would have had at getting him out would have been if they could have convinced Dana that Nick was a bigger threat than Pat. He just has to look out for Trysta Krick making a surprise appearance.

2. Alex, Kelly and Mush should be mainstays on these reality shows

I feel like everyone already knew this about Kelly but I think this season Mush and Alex have shown to be really competitive and strategic on these competition shows. Obviously, new faces keep things fresh but I would be really happy if the three of them all did it one more time.

3. White Sox Dave reminds me of Lenny from Of Mice and Men

Take this how you will. Throws a hell of a fastball too.

4. Jeff D Lowe > Jeff Probst

The best Jeff in reality TV.

5. Everyone should be rooting for KB to win the Get Back challenge

The only difference between KB and Napoleon is that KB could conquer Belgium but Napoleon couldn't win a West Virginia high school wrestling state championship. Plus he is the biggest wild card.

6. The Barstool Reality Universe Is Expanding

Much like the MCU, there are now so many storylines between shows and competitions that are going to make future seasons of every show so fun to watch and make casting choices so important. I can't wait to see what Jeff and the team do next!

Thanks for reading and following along as I word vomit my initial reaction to every episode! 


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